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Northwest Ohio Scrip Association, Professional Fundraiser, Toledo, OH


All Tuition Paying Parents looking for a way to

Earn Extra MONEY?

Earn Cash for School

Join the St. Augustine's HEP and earn Tuition Assistance for your everyday purchases


Families buy and use gift certificates to purchase everyday expenses like food, gas, clothing and other essentials. With every purchase they earn tuition assistance. This tuition assistance is “Extra Money” -- money for family spending, which is going to be spent anyway, just done a little differently.


The St. Augustine's HEP Scrip Program is a "Families First" organization


You get the freedom to shop at a huge variety of stores restaurants and more

The St. Augustine's HEP Scrip Program Has:

  • No prepaid fees to join
  • Incentives to make it fee free
  • Scrip earnings good pre-K to post College
  • Doesn’t keep 20-40% of your scrip earnings for the school/coordinators
  • Best discounts and more local retailers than any other program
  • EVERY GROCERY STORE and only place on the planet where you can earn up to 8% on grocery expenses
  • ONLY place you can get 136 Different Local Scrip like Barry’s Bagels, Ralphies, Loma Linda’s/Ventura’s and National Scrip like Tim Horton's, Buffalo Wild Wings, Target,  & McDonald's
  • Offers the quickest turnaround of your order into spendable scrip
  • Runs 52 weeks out of the year
  • Offers CONVENIENCE with online ordering, ACH, and pickup at your convenience at our easy access West Toledo location


Contact us at or Visit us at and click on St. Augustine's HEP to learn more.